Monday, March 12, 2012

Don't no about? (DNA)

     Dinosaurs never age? Dogs neglect ants? What exactly does DNA mean and what is it? I think we'll talk to a friend of mine. Double Felix.

Double Felix
      Me: Hello Felix, can you tell us a little about what exactly DNA is?
Felix: Deoxyribonucleic acid is what DNA stands for. DNA is what makes you, you. Each cell you have contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. DNA is located in these chromosomes. DNA determines your physical traits such as hair and eye color. 

    Me: How do we know about DNA today? Were there people who first contributed to the knowledge?
Felix:  Rosalind Franklin, Maurice Wilkins, James Watson, and Francis Crick  were all a team of scientists. James Watson and Francis Crick used an X-ray to find out about the double helix (me!) of DNA. Rosalind Franklin originally thought of the idea.
        Me: What is DNA made up of?
Felix: DNA is made up of nucleotide. There are four different sections of nucleotides. They are adenine(A),thymine(T),guanine(G),and cytosine(C). Each one has a different shape.  They help proteins form and help your body grow too.

      Felix:Believe it or not, only 2% of DNA is useful and contains genetic material. The other 98% is unknown and called "junk DNA".    

As far as we know, the junk DNA isn't used for anything.
           Me: So how does there get to be more of you guys?
Felix:  Well DNA self replicates itself. Two strands of DNA go through a process and when the cell divides, it has its own replicate of the DNA. 
       ME: Ok so my last question is what are the similarities and differences between RNA and DNA?
Felix: RNA stands for Ribonucleic acid. Unlike DNA, which is double helixed, RNA has only one strand. Also RNA is allowed to leave the cell since it's sort of a messenger while DNA stays put. 

    Well bye from Felix and me and remember, ONLY 10 MORE DAYS!


  1. I loved it Kate. It was really cute. It had great information and a good beginning. You did really good *claps*

  2. I really liked this blog. It was really interactive, and it made me laugh while it taught me information. Yes, it actually did. I didn't know anything about RNA, because it was hard to find decent information. But this was great. It had great pictures, and I especially liked the picture with the garbage truck pushing DNA into the trash. It was funny, and I liked it. Logan's right, a really good beginning. Oh, and I loved Felix. Good job. -Live Long, Stay Strong.


  3. good blog the information was good but it could have been a little longer.

  4. good job kate!!!!! it could have been longer but otherwise good job!!
