Monday, January 16, 2012

   *type type type* Oh sorry you guys I was just on my "cell" phone. And no our topic is NOT technology but cells. Here's one right now:
This is an animal cell.
You are made up of millions and millions of cells. More than all of these people times 10.
      Cells are in any living thing. But there are different types. Some different types are plant and animal cells. Here are both types:
       Unlike animal cells,plant cells have chloroplast which allows them to produce their own food. Also animal cells are usually more round. Animal cells also have smaller vacuoles. 
     There are also  prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Both of them do the same things. Prokarvotic has a cell wall while eukarvotic. Okay you now what? These names are just so hard to say so I'm now referring to them as p cell and e cell. Also, e cells have cell membrane and p cells don't. P cells also don't have a true nucleus.

    Okay so now I'm going to talk about organelles (different parts) in cells. A cell membrane protects the cell like skin on us. It also decides what gets into the cell. The cytoplasm is a liquid like substance that all the organelles float on. The nucleus tells all of the organelles what to do...LIKE A BOSS! It also stores DNA
 Ribosomes are used to make proteins.

    The vacuole stores things that cell won't need until later. Lyosomes digest bad materials. It's only found in animal cells. Mitochondrion makes energy for the cell. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus and carry genetic information. Golgi bodies move protein around the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum produces protein.
Here are some websites:
Interactive plant or animal cell
Cell biolagy quiz!


  1. good job! it could have more info and there were a couple spelling errors. but other than that good job!

  2. Hey Kattle! I liked your info, but your blog was kinda short... good pictures though!

  3. Yo! Hey kay tay,
    i LOVE ur blog only 66 more days! :D well good science blog it had all the info and i like it that you highlighted the words!

  4. yo kate really good. you had a couple spelling errors. was kinda short but not really good job

  5. LOVE IT!! its very cool <3

  6. hey betrz! oops typo.. haha I'm gonna call you burtz now! Okay well burtz, Good job on your blog, I thought it was really good and there were a couple spelling errors but other than that good job:)

  7. Hey, good job. That was pretty good. I like the information, and the pictures were good in giving a visual about you were talking about, especially with the people and how many cells are in your body. It was a really good blog, and I would've really learned something if I hadn't already known all of this from last year. Overall, though, great job! -Live Long, Stay Strong.
    P.S. Glad to see your background picture changed to something more awesome!
