Sunday, January 29, 2012

You are now entering cell 1859274973

    That's how WE get out and in of a building. Simple right? Well how do substances get into cells? DA DA DA! It's time for an adventure! *travels to cell*
   AHH! Why can't I get in?! LET ME IN!

   Cell membrane: HEY YOU! You can't get in here! This cell is meant only for certain molecules that are helpful for the cell! 
  Me: *runs away screaming*
    Okay so now onto our next topic. DIFFUSION! Here's an example:

    When someone sprays something like air freshener or perfume, it's an act of a diffusion. When the person sprays the air freshener right in front of them, that's a high concentration area. Eventually, the air freshener begins to spread around the room (with its smell too) and those places are called low concentration areas.

     There are also different types of movement. One is passive transport which requires no energy from the cell. That leads into facilitated diffusion which is means of transport to substances. entering the cell. 

      Unlike passive transport, active transport needs energy...just like in real life.  In order for you to be active, you need energy! It needs energy because it pushes the molecule along the cell membrane and the molecule can't do that by itself.

   Ugh sadly there are more complicated words! Osmosis is when water molecules are diffused across the cell membrane. Endocytosis moves things outside of the cell to the cytoplasm and Exocytosis is moving things in the cytoplasm to the outside of the cell. Okay I think we're done with the big words!


funny gif Pictures, Images and Photos
     owl GIFS will have you grinning from ear to ear (13 gifs)
     Wait...wait...WAIT! What happens when two cells are different sizes? Does it effect the diffusion process? I sense another adventure! 
Cell membrane: The bigger the cell membrane is, the faster substances can be diffused so we can't keep track of anything getting in so membranes tend to be smaller.
Me: Thanks buddy!
  Here are some links:
Okay well bye! *exits dramatically*

Monday, January 16, 2012

   *type type type* Oh sorry you guys I was just on my "cell" phone. And no our topic is NOT technology but cells. Here's one right now:
This is an animal cell.
You are made up of millions and millions of cells. More than all of these people times 10.
      Cells are in any living thing. But there are different types. Some different types are plant and animal cells. Here are both types:
       Unlike animal cells,plant cells have chloroplast which allows them to produce their own food. Also animal cells are usually more round. Animal cells also have smaller vacuoles. 
     There are also  prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. Both of them do the same things. Prokarvotic has a cell wall while eukarvotic. Okay you now what? These names are just so hard to say so I'm now referring to them as p cell and e cell. Also, e cells have cell membrane and p cells don't. P cells also don't have a true nucleus.

    Okay so now I'm going to talk about organelles (different parts) in cells. A cell membrane protects the cell like skin on us. It also decides what gets into the cell. The cytoplasm is a liquid like substance that all the organelles float on. The nucleus tells all of the organelles what to do...LIKE A BOSS! It also stores DNA
 Ribosomes are used to make proteins.

    The vacuole stores things that cell won't need until later. Lyosomes digest bad materials. It's only found in animal cells. Mitochondrion makes energy for the cell. Chromosomes are found in the nucleus and carry genetic information. Golgi bodies move protein around the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum produces protein.
Here are some websites:
Interactive plant or animal cell
Cell biolagy quiz!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

ITS 2012 :)

      HAPPY 2012! 

     Oh and also Merry late Christmas because I wasn't here! So I wanna look back at some 2011 highlights. Here are some in picture form :):


Really good movie if you haven't seen it.

Rock Eagle

Aquarium! *hand signal*
My friend Sormeh and at Midnight January 1st


     So now I'm going to tell you guys what I'm looking forward to in 2012. Well first of all my 2 days.
And House of Anubis on January 9th.
I know right! FINALLY!

    Ok, so as of right now..The Hunger Games movie comes out in exactly 79 days 9 hours 16 minutes and 52 seconds.
           So what's your new years resolution? I have a lot. One of them is to stop procrastinating...which I've already broken...Oh well..I'll do it later. 
           So..what's you guys' new years resolution? Leave a comment of what it is.
   Okay so now I'm going to talk about what I did over break. Here are some pictures:
....., again
Bye you guys!