Friday, April 29, 2011


  Well it's 1984 right now and apparently I have a new virus called the chicken pox. Wow this really sucks. One, I look AWFUL! It's like if someone stabbed me with a red paintbrush over and over again! Second, there is this awful fever! And then there is the worst symptom... THE ITCH! I want to itch it sooo bad but my Momma says if I do then I will have nasty old scars! LIKE EW!! When I complain to my Mother she always says the same thing!
       So this is basically what happend: I was fine for 10 days ( the incubation period) and whatnot but then these weird bumpy red things started apperaing and I started itching like crazy. So I started to FREAK Out!
" That's chicken pox.."
     Luckily you don't get chicken pox from eating chicken. You get it from varicella zoster virus. I still can't go to school because chicken pox is extremely contaigous. Well actually I know a few people I'd LOVE to get sick! But anyway, I look like I got mauled by a phscotic chicken. In fact, that's where the name chicken pox origanlly came from.
      Wow that really looks like it could peck you to death. Well at least I'm getting this stupid thing over with. It turns out that once you get chciken pox once you usually dont get it again. Unless you get it when you're in your 60s or 70s so could get shingles. This is a disease where the red bumps get into your nervous system. It can be terribly painful. Wow I hope they make a vaccination for this disease. AHHH! It itches sooo bad! Must...not....scratch......
       YAY! Good news! I just found out some remidies for the itching. You can take a bath of oatmeal...YUCK! I can also use Calamine lotion. That's sounding a whole better than an oatmeal bath. Well the only thing to do now is wait it out. It will be 5 more days before I feel batter again =(.
        Wow I feel soo much better but I still can't go anywhere because I'm contagious! ( rolls eyes) The good news is that it's over! =D

       Wow look what I just read:
       Daily newspaper
      A new vaccine for the well known disease chicken box has been discovered. You can get it at the nearest doctor's office. There is also a new medicine called Zovirax! Now not as many people are getting sick with chcken pox!       Wow this is awesome! Not as many people are getting sick So bye peepz! =)

Monday, April 25, 2011


        Well today we have some really juicy gossip. A recent virus has been infecting people around the globe.  The White blood cell police people cell things. are trying to track him down. If you see him please notify them. Here is his profile:
        This virus ( like most others) cause the flu, the common cold, AIDS, and a type of cancer too. OMG he is sooo mean! He also infects ANIMALS! Like poor little innocent puppies... :'(! This virus also infects plants but they aren't that cute so yeah.

           A virus can cause that sad Lil puppy! IT'S NOT EVEN ALIVE! It's too tiny and not complex that it doesn't count as being alive.
           So how do you get sick from a virus? What viruses do is hijack a cell. They put their genetic material inside the cell and the cell makes reproductions of the virus. 
          Sadly, the poor cell doesn't make it through =(. So, how can we catch viruses like these? Well the white blood cells take care of that. When the virus enters the body, antibodies flag the virus and then the white blood cells go nom nom nom. Also, antibodies can destroy the virus if the white blood cells don't catch it.

           Also, make sure you cover your mouth when you sneeze to avoid giving the virus to anybody else...Well unless it's you enemy. If that's the case then sneeze directly in their face! BWAHAHAHHA!  Well anyway, you can get vaccinations so you don't get some viruses like chicken pox. Vaccine shots are when you inject some of the disease into your body. All the white blood cells and antibodies react. They remember the disease so if it enters again, it will immanently get destroyed.
        Oh and you know computer viruses? Well they're a lot like viruses. They take control of the computer like a ghost would take over someones body or something like that. Viruses take control.
      No one likes having a virus. Some can make you really sick. This is why the ugly little virus black spiky thing must be caught. Call 1-800-omg what is that ugly black spiky thing outside my door if you see the virus.