Sunday, March 13, 2011


           PAPER CUT!!!!! CALL 911! AHHHH! BLOOD! Um Kate. Here's a band aid. M'kay. Stupid book. Wow blood isn't all that disgusting. It's actually pretty cool. Blood is the reason I'm typing this blog right now. It keeps you alive! Believe it or not, blood has many different components inside it like Red blood cells. So obviously they're red. But do you know why? It's actually because they're full of oxygen. Also, they're called erythroytes. I'm not even going to try to pronounce that. Another awesome fact is that there is about 50 MILLION RED BLOOD CELLS IN EACH drop of blood! Wow.  Here's a pic.

        OK so now onto white blood cells. They have an other complicated name: Leukocytes????? The good thing about these cells is that they keep you from getting sick. That obviously isn't the case with me. To get rid of germs, they eat them. That has to be unhealthy for you. In every drop of blood, there's about 100,000 of these big guys.

AW LOLLIPOP! the middle 1 is a white blood cell!
            So what keeps you from bleeding to death when you get a cut or something? Well, things called platelets help your blood to clot so you can't bleed to death.
           So what else is in your blood? Believe it or not one of the main things in your blood is plasma. Plasma has chemicals in it that help you from getting sick. It's also a clear color because its made mostly of water.
           Okay so now another big word. UGH! Hemoglobin is in Red Blood Cells. It helps deliver oxygen to your lungs.
        Did you know there are different types of blood? There is A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+,AB-,O+, and O-. It's important to know your blood type in case you have to have a blood transplant. If you need to get a transplant, then you have to get your same type of blood type. With O blood, you can give to anyone and they will be okay. With AB blood you can receive from every type. If you have A+ blood type and you get blood from a B-, you might perish. HA HA that word makes me laugh! Also, you get your blood type from your parents.
             So... would you ever give blood? I most likely would not, because I'd be kicking the person who's trying to stab me with a needle.... but that's just me. You have to be 17 to give blood anyway. Here's a weird video. LAL!

WAIT!!! Before I end the blog I want to share one more cool fact: Crabs have blue blood because of the copper in their blood! AWESOME right? Ok so bye! LAL! =D


  1. K8tle i <3ed it! It had good info BUT it woodnt hurt 2 have a little more! but overall it was goood! OMG I LOVE UR BACKGROUND!!!!!!!!!
    I AM NUMBER 4! and 6!

  2. It was good kayte i agree with celine though about having some more info. Your video was... "interesting"
