Tuesday, February 14, 2012


    If you're confused by the title, it's the phases of life! To toddler up to elder. So today we're going to be learning about different phases. But in cells! The first major phase in a cell is called interphase. In interphase, organelles in the cell are doubled. DNA is included in this process. It makes it so the cell can divide. In this stage ( also known as the "living stage") the cell gets nutrients and grows. So basically interphase is the stage where it gets the cell ready for mitosis: cell division, which is the next main stage of cells. It has phases inside it though.


     The first stage of Mitosis is Prophase. In Prophase, chromosomes become visible. The nuclear membrane begins to disappear and spindle apparatus form at opposite ends of the cell.
    The next stage in Mitosis is Metaphase. In Metaphase, Chromosomes become arranged on something called the Metaphase plate, which is in the very center of the cell.

     Anaphase, the next stage, chromosomes move two ways away from the Metaphase plate. At the end of Anaphase, there is two complete sets of chromosomes at each end of the cell.

    In Telophase, the chromosomes have been completed and the cell membrane for another daughter cell (other cell) forms around it.

    The last stage of Mitosis is Cytokinesis. In Cytokinesis, the cell is actually divided. The cytoplasm stretches in the center and the cell is completely divided.



  1. Well it was super short, to begin with. Also, you could've had more info. But the info up you DID have was really good! And the pics helped describe what you were saying. So good job! 3 out of 4 stars! :D weoh weoh weoh!

  2. Hey it just deleted my comment!!!!!! Anyway your blog was so short!! I liked the pictures, but it's lacking detail and you didn't answer all the questions. Definitely not your best :(

  3. Hey Kate/shut up
    Good blog it was kinda short but mine was too. So 3 stars but good!!! Any links?
