Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hmm...what do you see?

         Hello there. Would you like to see your future my dear? Just peer into the crystal ball. Beware of what you see. 
     Woah! That was weird. I just saw myself teaching you guys...about...hmm what is that? It looks like some sort of rock that's all sparkly. AHA! IT's a crystal! Well..I guess we are learning about crystals! Here's one right here:
     Pretty right? Well crystal is used to make many things. People make crystal jewelry, decorations.... and believe it or not some of them are eaten! Some scientists believe that crystals can be used for healing the mind and body. Oooo!  That's awesome! And, because I know you're wondering, crystal is used in crystal balls, hence the name.

       If you want to find crystals you could look in an extinct volcano under all of the melted lava. You can also find them in rivers. Most of them grow in enclosed spaces underground. So how are crystals made? Basically what crystals are made of is millions of atoms. For example, a common quartz can be made when sand is put under extreme heat and pressure. Also salt is a type of crystal too. It's one of the simpler kind made of only sodium and chlorine atoms. Here are some crystals that grew underground:

   I wish I could go down there! It looks awesome. Here are some cool facts: The rarest crystal in the world in is blue garnet.  One 4.2k blue garnet sold for 6.8 million dollars! The biggest crystal in the world in the Golden Julibee Diamond. It is 545.67 carrots.  


  1. kate!! ok so first off, i love the background (as usual) and ur blog was pretty good. i think u coodve added a little more detail and u had like one or two grammar errors. also, i think u just kind of ended the blog too sunddenly. like u had ut links then BOOM it was over. (well techniacally u had a smiley face but that doesnt count) other then those nit picky things i oointed out it was good!

  2. Yo! Great job! I luv your intro very creative! It had all the facts that was needed but I think you needed to put just a tiny bit more of yourself (I do it too!) :) Luved it and by the way the backround is very you! :D

  3. Good job! I really liked the intro it was good, but straight to the point. It had less of your personality, but also less of the randomness which made it easier to understand.(it's ok i do it too) Great job Kate!!

  4. Great job kate :)
    This was a fun and awesome blog.
    I could see KATE in it,
    and at the same i learned a lot!!
    ~Zeina ! [:
