Friday, September 2, 2011


      OK. Isn't a punch buggy a Volkswagen? Yes. But is a Volkswagen a punch buggy? No! My friend and I were having an argument. I know I'm right. I am. Anyway, today we will be talking about a guy that no one believed until 2000 YEARS AFTER HE DIED! It must have been awful to have no one believe you! The guy was named Democritus. Here he is: 
            This guy is so old that they have a statue of him! Now that's old. OK his name is too hard to pronounce so I'm going to call him Big D. So anyway, Big D had an idea. He wondered what what happened if you broke something down so far that it couldn't be broken down anymore. He believed that these unbreakable pieces were called "atomos". Here is what he thought them to look like:
     Well unfortunately for him, not many people believed him. They believed that a guy named Aristotle was correct. Aristotle believed that fire, water earth, and air where the four elements that made up absolutely everything. They believed him because he was well known to most people. No one really wanted to listen to Big D's "crazy" ideas.
This is what Aristotle believed.

      So basically Democritus died without anyone believing him. Terrible right? Well, people started to believe his theories 2000 years after he died! Here's some cool websites:

      Anyway here is a cool video
    Anyway here's some cool facts Democritus:
  • He was called the laughing scientist because he was so cheerful.
  • His mentor was Leucippus
  • Date of death:

  • 370 B.C.E. (age 90 years)
    So now here's some facts bout Aristotle:
  • He not only was a scientist  but also he studied:  physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics.
  • His teacher was Plato.
  • He was born in 384 BC-322BC
   Okay so bye bye :)


  1. aw kathrineeeee! that was good! but i do have a couple things.. u said anyways like 3 times in a row at the end. and u said what what instead of what wood. other than that it was good :)

  2. Great blog!! Just a couple of things... the layout was kinda weird how one part had a white background and the end was transparent(it's probably bloggers fault) and maybe make the links a little bigger and what celine said about the anyways... Other than that awesome job!

  3. Yous said like to many times. Other then that good blog.
