Wednesday, September 28, 2011

(>*-*)> <(*_*)> MEH ELEMETZZ!

     In a texting conversation: (edited of course)
   Friend: k
     Well today we are learning about 4 different elements. Potassium:K, Xenon:XE, Dubnium:DB, Bromine:BR. Well before we start, I just wanted to point out that DB looks like an insanely sad smiley face and also bromine also sounds like brownie! XD. Ok I think we should start with... XENON!

     William Ramsey and Morris Travers founded Xenon in 1898. That must have been interesting because it is an explosive along with a noble gas...? You can also find Xenon in strobe lights! But it's also really expensive. It has 54 protons and electrons and 77 neutrons.  Oh and a cool fact about it is that it came from the Latin word Xenos meaning strange.

     Above is a picture of some things that have potassium. Potassium's abbreviation is K! It comes from the word "potash". Haha it sounds British.  It was first discovered by Georg Ernest Stahl in 1702. Its atomic number is 19 and therefore has 19 electrons and protons. Potassium has 20 neutrons. It makes up 1.5% of the earths crust and is also essential for plant growth and is a key ingredient in fruits, which we all love!If it is exposed to air it will go KA BOOSH as in like an explosion! It is also part of the alkali metal group.
        Our next element is Bromine, which has many uses. 

     Ew it looks disgursting! But anyway, as nasty as it may look, it is used for water purification, pesticides, photography, flavored sodas and many medicines. It was discovered in 1825 by Carl Jacob Lowig. It has 35 protons and neutrons and 45 neutrons.If you're looking for bromine for some odd reason you should look in The Dead Sea.
     And last but not least: DUBNIUM! There was no pictures but that's because it was named after Dubna, Russia and was discovered by A Russian scientist, Albert Ghiroso, in 1968. It is man-made, as in made in a lab. It has 105 protons and electrons and 157 neutrons.It's in the metal section. Many things about Dubnium are unknown such as the density, and the melting and boiling point. Unfortunately for Dubnium, it has no known uses...but the name is still funny! 

     Ok so here's a video and some cool links. fo chizala!
i think his voice is fake but its still cool info.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Elements de periodic of table!

      Looks complicated right? Well not if you really learn about it. Now memorizing it.. that would be difficult. That right there, if you didn't know, is the PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS! Since it's important it deserves to be in caps! So basically it's a table...of elements...and it's periodical. It organizes all elements known to the world. Well I think we should start from the very beginning with a guy named Dmitri Mandellev:

     Why are all old scientists names complicated? UGH! Anyway, he was born in 1834 and was the youngest of 17 FREAKING CHILDREN! GOODNESS! In the 1860s, the periodic table was born! Wow! He had to be really smart to develop a whole table of elements and how they fit together. Okay, let's move on to the actual table and how it works. So, the letters that look random are actually an abbreviation for the name of the element. The numbers on top of that, list the number of protons each element has. Below the letters, lists the atomic mass.

     Okay so now we're going to talk about how the elements are organized. They are organized into periods, groups, and colors. Periods move horizontally. They describe the number of electron shells each element has. That is the lines that electrons travel in. A whole horizontal line has the same number of electron shells.

     Next are groups which are organized vertically. All of the elements in one row have the same have ability to lose the same amount of electrons or gain some.
electron shells

     Isn't the periodic table colorful? Well there's a reason for that. Each color is a different category. Here are the catagories:
  1. Alkali Metals
  2. Alkaline Earth Metals
  3. Trasition Metals
  4. Poor metals :(
  5. Semimetals
  6. Non-Metals
  7. Noble gases
    Oh and if you're wondering what the random elements are on the bottom, scientists just couldn't include them so they're all left out on the bottom D: Also, elements above 92, cannot appear in nature because they're way too unsteady and have to be created in a lab. Here are some cool links and videos:
Most annoying thing you will ever hear in your life:
bye bye!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


   Well today, unfortunately, we are talking about something sad :(. 9/11 the tenth anniversary. First I will tell you guys what happened on September 11th 2001. Basically what happened is two planes crashed into the twin towers a.k.a. the world trade center.. One also crashed into the pentagon and in a field in Pennsylvania. It was really sad because over 4000 people died in the world trade centers, the pentagon and the terrorist planes.  Everything was evacuated including the white house, and many other places. It was a day of panic for most Americans. Here is the times for the disaster:
   First plane hit north tower: 8:52
Second plane hit South tower: 9:03
Third plane hit Pentagon: 9:38
Fourth hit field in Pennsylvania: 10:10
       9/11 really impacted America. People were terrified of the thought that someone was out to get America. However, instead on bringing us down, it actually brought us together as a country. America was more united than ever after that attack. It was the exact opposite of what the terrorists wanted to happen. We also found out that Osama Bin Laden was the leader of the terrorist group that caused 9/11. 

     Now Americans, think back to 9/11 as a terrible tragedy. We also are stronger because of it. I think people will still continue to think of 9/11 this way. It defiantly made an impact on our lives especially family members of people who died in 9/11. This event will never be forgotten.

    I think the best way to remember 9/11 is to honer all of the people who died in the crashes. I think it's really nice to have a ceremony every year to commemorate it. It is for people to remember the bravery of people who tried to save others. I really think it should be remembered to honer everyone who died. The ceremony this year was really sweet and also sad but it was good that they had it. A monument is now built where the twin towers were. It is now called Ground Zero:

     Some of the worst things about 9-11 was all of the deaths. So many people died. People who had families and lives until that awful day. It was also terrible to know that someone hated us so much that they would kill themselves just to kill thousands of other people. It's just really scary to know people are out there that want to kill us.
      The only good thing is it brought us together as a nation. No matter if you were white, black, Indian, or any other culture. We all came to together and were stronger. 

     I would also like to tell you guys about the crash in the Pennsylvania. Anyway, some passengers knew that the plane was hijacked so they went up and fought the terrorists so they could get control the plane. Unfortunately, the terrorists pointed the plane straight down and they went down at 500 mph in the middle of a field. Can you even imagine how brave those people were? They could have crashed into the White House or something. They saved hundreds, maybe thousands, of lives. I think it's important to remember these people and the day of 9-11.

Friday, September 2, 2011


      OK. Isn't a punch buggy a Volkswagen? Yes. But is a Volkswagen a punch buggy? No! My friend and I were having an argument. I know I'm right. I am. Anyway, today we will be talking about a guy that no one believed until 2000 YEARS AFTER HE DIED! It must have been awful to have no one believe you! The guy was named Democritus. Here he is: 
            This guy is so old that they have a statue of him! Now that's old. OK his name is too hard to pronounce so I'm going to call him Big D. So anyway, Big D had an idea. He wondered what what happened if you broke something down so far that it couldn't be broken down anymore. He believed that these unbreakable pieces were called "atomos". Here is what he thought them to look like:
     Well unfortunately for him, not many people believed him. They believed that a guy named Aristotle was correct. Aristotle believed that fire, water earth, and air where the four elements that made up absolutely everything. They believed him because he was well known to most people. No one really wanted to listen to Big D's "crazy" ideas.
This is what Aristotle believed.

      So basically Democritus died without anyone believing him. Terrible right? Well, people started to believe his theories 2000 years after he died! Here's some cool websites:

      Anyway here is a cool video
    Anyway here's some cool facts Democritus:
  • He was called the laughing scientist because he was so cheerful.
  • His mentor was Leucippus
  • Date of death:

  • 370 B.C.E. (age 90 years)
    So now here's some facts bout Aristotle:
  • He not only was a scientist  but also he studied:  physics, metaphysics, poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics, politics.
  • His teacher was Plato.
  • He was born in 384 BC-322BC
   Okay so bye bye :)