Friday, August 12, 2011


   Did you guys miss me? Yes I know you did. Haha I missed you guys too. :)! Is you ok? Is you? Good cause i wanted to know! -Glozell. So how was your summer? Leave a comment not that i really care. Haha just kidding..sorta. Well what i did over the summer is just sleep alot and eat and PLAY MARIO KART! I love Luigi! =D
      So anyway the high light of my summer WAS SEEING THE NEW HARRY POTTER MOVIE OH MY FREKIN GOD IT WAS SOOOO AMAZING! Best movie I've ever seen. NO NOSE!

     LIKE YEAH! Anyway this year for 7TH GRADE i hope to accomplish:
  • Go to sleep earlier :I
  • Meet new friends =D
  • Find even cuter emoticons ;o *<:)
  • not procrastinate D=
  • EXERSIZE! witchaw!
    Oh and also over the summer a highlight was staying up! =) Gosh I hate getting up early! So anyway I hope you guys had an awesome summer :) oh an here is some funny harry potter pics lol:

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