Tuesday, February 1, 2011


        OK so today we're gonna change it up a bit! I'm going to split my blog in half. I'm sorry blog. So today for the first half of my blog, I'll be talking about THE BIG BANG! So the big bang was obviously a  big bang. Duh. It came from this small little atom thing that contained all elements. Isn't that cool? It's sort of like how an ant can carry like 3 times it's weight or something. Anyways, one day it just went boom and nobody knew why. Maybe it was just angry or tired of being alone.


          BOOM! Well actually  it didn't make noise because the sound vibrations can't travel through space because there is no air. Wow that sounds smart. Mhhhhhhhm . =D! So anywaysss, This atom thing sent of space and time and eventually began to form the first solar systems, planets and galaxies. Oh and by the way this theory was created by Edward Hubble. Yeah we was the guy who invented the Hubble. Why did i mention the Hubble? Well the Hubble has found radiation from the big bang
              OK so now on to the second part of my blog! Hooray! =)! ALIENS! OOOOOOOO! So a lot of people think that aliens are those green things that drive around like they're so cool in UFOs and go murp meep! Here are some UFO and alien sitings:
  • In Florida, there was a report of a hovering object in the midist of three planes
  • In Nevada, a family saw bright red light in the sky
  • In Oregan, a man saw a noodle shaped UFO hovering above a grocery store( probably trying to raid it for free food!  =O)
  • In California, a family saw a round "plane" hovering just under the clouds.
  • In texas, a couple saw a UFO land on the road and figures climbed out.
     So some people don't believe in aliens because of logic. I mean there is millions and billions of planets and solar systems. How are they supposed to find us out of all of those galaxies? I think aliens are real but they just haven't found us yet. So... what do you think?

Hey well it could be real! =) bye!


  1. Great Job! it wuz quawesome! i loved it the only thing i would do is make it a little longer

  2. yeah i agree with auble. oh and the video...fake! its probably just a plany or a light on blimp or somethin. but i liked ur blog!

  3. It was good but you need to read through it and capitalize stuff!!!! And LSO YOU NEED A MORE INTERESTING VIDEO!!!

  4. yo yo yo yo yo look i like ur blog but like the bck ground like so dnt go and then the white with the little colors tht u typed like u cld barely see them and then ur blog was soo good like soo good it was like bad but rly good job kate good job

  5. i like that u split the blog in half in was cool i was prob. was one of ur best bloggs
