Friday, December 10, 2010

How can i make my blog better?

   Leave me a comment telling me how i can make it better please! thankz! =)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


    Today I was chasing someone and they ran into the gazebo and jumped over the side and i did too and then my foot got stuck....... and boom. So after that i saw black and it got me thinking about black holes. (who knows why). So basically a black hole is a huge hole that pulls everything in its path into it.

    That's not an actual black hole because black holes are invisible. A black hole is formed when a GINORMOUSE star explodes. The star runs out of fuel and then it goes CRASH BOOM BANG BOOM! The star then collapses in on itself and voila a black hole. The reason why astronauts haven't gone into a black hole yet is it will tear and rip anything that comes into it. You'd be splitted into a thousand atoms.

     Poor Earth! But don't worry that won't happen. The black hole scientists have detected is NO WHERE near us! Black holes are really tiny though. What's ironic though is that, like large planets, black holes have a GINORMOUSE amount of gravitational pull. In fact, it has so much gravitational pull, that not even light can escape from its clutches. Until next time, lolz i love you guys! =D

    Also here's another video that i thought was funny but of course it will never happen.

ha ha poor guy

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My little sun has grown up so fast! (tear)

    My sun is almost middle aged now! He's grown up so fast! =*(. The sun is awesome and you know it! It's what gives us all life. Without the sun, we'd all be human Popsicles (purple preferably) and that wouldn't be so least for some people. Anyways, the sun is made up of EXTREMELY FLAMING HOT  gasses.

    The energy that the sun uses comes from nuclear fusion. Like the Earth, the sun also has layers. But it has more than Earth (sort of like a cake). Some of the layers are the core which is so hot that.. that.. that.. I don't know it's just really really hot!  The second layer is the Radiation Zone which has energy from the core. Third, comes the convection zone!!!!!!!!! Then comes the photosphere which is the part that we see. 
  Then , the cromosphere and then the corona which stretches waaaaaaaaaaay out into space.  My sun has an awesome personality!  Even though the sun may not be the biggest star out there, it's still 870,000 miles across its surface. Oh and do you think Earth is big? Well like a million Earths could fit in the sun! Whoa m jeepers! 


     Arn't those pics pretty?! I know. Even though the sun looks all pretty and innocent, you'll go blind if you stare at it so don't. If you do and go blind then tuff fluff for you! I don't really know what tuff fluff means but she always says it when she doesn't want me to do somthing and i usually use it so just dont look at the sun, okay? gosh!
ok on that happy note, bye!


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

VOLCANOS! lolz just kidding! =D

       Look at da wittle star!
they is sooooo cute!
     Anyways, I think you can guess what my topic is about. It's about mountains. Lolz Just Kidding! I'm here to teach yall about starz! Stars are basically huge balls of gases that are held together by none other than GRAVITY! There are different types of stars. Red stars, which are coldest ones. There are also yellow stars, which are medium hot and medium cold. Last but not least are the blue stars! They are the hottest. So anyways, u dsswxm kj...... o um sorry i fell on my computer. stupid slippery converse. >X(  I is gonna return these! Okay so anyways, stars are formed by a nebula.
       There are 3 stages in a star's life. The first stage is that it burns off its energy for like a few (million) years. Then it's at middle age (omg like my parents)
they're both middle aged but have a difference of only like a billion years
      So usually the second stage for a star like our son is becoming a red giant. The name explains it all.
 Okay so the very last stage for a star like our sun is the becoming of a white dwark!
IT Bright

     Anyways, if it's a really big star, it will EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!  The debris that are left behind from the exploded star can create new stars! kool!  Now...... lets talk about a darker matter. Black holes. ( dramatic gasp!) A black hole is a hole that is invisible. Scientists say that black holes suck in anything that gets close to them. YEAH BLACK HOLES! You pwn the world! I mean universe or galaxy or whatever! Some peepz say that black holes take you to a different universe or something along the lines of that. I don't know. People are crazy with some of there definitions for that.

So enjoy this video because.... CATE WANTS FOOOOOOOD!

Friday, November 12, 2010


So today I was listening to that song Down by Jay Sean and it got me thinking about gravity. Gravity is pretty much a force that holds all things down to Earth. It's invisible of course or else it would be too obvious! Anyways, the person who first proposed the theory of gravity was Sir Isaac Newton.

Seriously, who spells there name with 2 A's?!
 So the story was that Newton was sitting under an apple tree and an apple dropped on his head(OW!). That inspired him and he went into to depth about the force that pulls things to Earth. Eventually, he came up with the theory of gravity. Oh, and by the way this happened in the 1600s so they didn't have all the scientific thingies that we have today like telescopes and stuff. The theory of gravity changed almost completely in the 1900s because Albert Einstein had a new theory called The General Theory of Relativity. It is said in that theory that gravity bends space and time itself. Anyways, scientists today have another theory: Gravitons. Gravitons are said to be small molecules that surrounding every object making it have gravity.
Of course that's only what scientists think they look like because of course gravitons are invisible. It would be kinda creepy if you could see them. Just imagine a bunch of molecule things floating around you like a swarm of nats. So too understand gravity more, do an experiment to see if its real. Oh! I've got one! You could jump off a building and see what happens. ( I am not responsible for any injuries) Ok so maybe that's not the smartest idea. Nevermind.....

Friday, November 5, 2010


Okay, so me and 4th-Kenneth went to Florida Mon-Thurs! It was sooo fun but if u wern't there then ill tell u about it. BTW we went 2 Florida to see the space shuttle launch, but.........
     So the space launch was set 4 Nov 1st but unfortunately we had to leave on Halloween. Anyways, it got rescheduled because of some leek thingy in the shuttle. So we left Monday nite. And ewwwww omg the bus was really really uncomfortable! =( but at least the hotel was nice and stuff. When we got there we went to the Kennedy Space Center and saw some pretty qwasome stuff like rocket engines and there was a ton of annoying crows that were trying to eat our muffins....
our muffins:
      Anyway we stayed there all day and learned stuff like that we were in a space race against Russia. Another thing if u ever go there is DON'T BY THE FOOD! Its soooooooo overpriced omg! After that we went to the gift shop and i got a necklace and a bracelet that broke soon after i got it. but then, bad news, the shuttle was delayed cause of electrical probs. we were real disappointed but then we went to pizza hut and me and Azira devoured a medium pizza. then we went back to the hotel and had fun and did random stuff.
our hotel:

So in the morning we went to THE BEACH! It was the best part of the trip! we had sooooo much fun! okay so we went in the ocean and jumped over waves and built sandcastles and buried ourselves. Then we went BACK to the Kennedy Space Center and saw more stuff we didn't see before. but omg i forgot an important detail.... THE SPACE SIMULATOR! Omg it was like being in a real rocket. it went up sideways and when we took off it shook really hard and our cheeks were just flying around behind us lolz it was fun. O and then when we got back, we went to dinner at the hotel and had spaghetti and juice that looked like pineapple juice.
Then we went back to our rooms and we did a like alert parody and a bunch of other random vids on azira's cam. oh and mr sellers took some vids and pics and ill see if i can get some on here. okay so anyways the next day was the trip home and we stopped at a bunch of restraunts to get food and stuff. And at the end of the bus ride me and azira got hyped up and started singing whip my hair. But poor lizzy and aubrey had to sit at the front of the bus and had to miss fun. kk brb im gonna go get a video...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

dont drink water while your in the car

Sixty dollars! SIXTY DOLLARS!!!! I spent sixty dollars on these pants that I spilled water on! The car went over a speed bump.... and yeah you can figure out the rest. The only good thing that cane out of that was it got me thinking about what to do for my blog this week and I chose Tsunami. A Tsunami is a HUGE WAVE( i mean like big enough to destroy whole towns). It's caused by none other than an earthquake. This happens because when the Earth shakes the sea floor does too and a ginormous wave comes to the surface and leaves a path of destruction in its path.  

Hi zira, tay, liz, shell, aub, celly, dan, chax!
You need to focus on the focus. The focus is where the tsunami starts. Some earthquakes recorded in history: It's no joke that this Alaskan tsunami hit on April 1st 1946. Another one was on August 23rd and killed over 8000 peeps. =( tear.  Although tsunamis sound like awesome chiz they kill peeps! Like omg:

Poor dude. Anyways, you guys might have heard of that GINORMOUSE tsunami in the Indian
Ocean in 2004. But probably not cause i know you guys don't look up stuff like that. So a 9.0 earthquake was spotted near Sumatra, an Indonesian island. Many many peeps were found dead but many more were missing. =(. Poor peeps.


Friday, October 1, 2010


Thanks for people who are following and viewing my blog! lolz! =))))

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Like Whoa! (sadly this about volcanoes) AGAIN!

Like Whoa! Sadly this another post about the things that go boom and spew that hot stuff. What's the word? Oh yeah, volcanoes! Anyways,volcanoes are formed 2 ways: When Earth's plates diverge and when they slide past each other. Like Whoa! Okay so the diverge thing is called a mid-ocean ridge and that causes magma to press up to the crust and then break through it. Then, the magma dries and forms a volcano! The slide past thing is called a subduction zone. This is an example of both kinds:

Like Whoa! Cute deadly lava!
Anyways a subduction zone is when a plate slides under another plate and then the rising magma from the plate sliding down flows to the surface and creates a volcano! Okay so one of the diff diffs between these formations is that their lava flows differently. Like I said before, the magma in a mid-ocean ridge breaks threw the surface but the magma in a subduction some flows towards the surface from the plate sliding down. Look! LOL!

Boooooooooooomish! Okay I hope you learned a bunch! Ew I have to go to study hall...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Insert Title here...... um over there....

           Do you remember when I was talking about shield volcanoes last time? If you don't, just scroll down. So, I just learned today that there are 3 different types of volcanoes. Y'all probably know that most volcanoes go ka-boom! and then the lava comes. One type of volcano that explodes is called a composite volcano. It is medium sized and has sloping sides.A composite squirts lava in the air really high and then it goes down. This is the most popular of all of the volcanoes.
        Another type of volcano is the tiny Cinder Cone. The Cinder Cone is explosive too but instead of throwing it's lava all up in the air, it spews it all over the sides of itself. Well that's a disturbing way of saying it but look:

         The last kind is the shield which is not explosive and massive. All of these are similar in a way because they all spew the same stuff like lava  tephra and gasses.3 All of them are also really dangerous when they're in a bad mood. All 3 are different because 1. they're all different sizes, 2. they're material comes out a different way, and 3. all of them are awesome! Is this NOT awesome?!:

           Awwwwww! Isn't the deadly lava soooo cute? I know... Anyways, don't drink the lava! Bye! =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ka Ka Ka Ka woooooo!

     I love random titles! Anyways do you know what causes volcanoes? Don't think it's boring cause it's actually really awesome! The answer is:  MAGMA PRESSURE AND HEAT! Hooray! Well actually not hooray because volcanoes are extremely dangerous. I guess they're jealous of all the living things in the world so it goes BOOM! So, the heat and pressure build up and melt the rock. Aw poor rocks. This melted rock is called magma, and as the magma rises up, it turns into lava.

        Well, all that lava has to go somewhere right? Here's how the magma gets to the surface: First of all, the magma is released into underground pool things where eventually the pressure builds up and the lava ( which was magma) explodes out of the hole of a volcano. Wow this must be a great stress relieving technique.  It even looks fun to do:

Monday, September 13, 2010


     Cue the sound effects! * BOOM!* Okay good, they work. Well lately there's been some gossip about volcanoes. Apparently, people think that the ones that violently erupt are cooler than the ones that are silent. Why are they silent you ask? My guess is that they are just shy but I'm going to go look it up on that website with the weird science dude that talks to you. BRB...
         Well, first of all, gases from the Earth formed from volcanic ash and other materials create a violent volcano like this one:
Show off!
             All that magma that later becomes lava explodes out of a violent volcano. Wow this guy needs some serious anger management classes. Anyways, what's the deal with these silent volcanoes? The talking science professor said that  silent volcanoes ( also calles shield volcanoes by the way) form on the ocean floor. You see, what happens is when magma is forced upward from the Earth, the sea floor blocks it's way to becoming explosive but soon enough, all the pressure builds up and it bursts from its hole.The good thing is that the pressure of the ocean, calms the magma and it oozes out of  the volcano; not explodes like SOME volcanoes i would know...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Believe me!

The mission you are about to receive may horrify, if may scar you for life... nah I'm just kidding! Anyways, do you know who had the first theory of plate tectonics? You probably don't know and don't care. Today my mission is to impress you with the theory of plate tectonics and who discovered it.. Plate tectonics is the idea that part of the crust and upper mantle is consisted of huge plates that move gradually. Do you know how first thought of this theory? His name is Alfred Wegener.
Nice mustache...
No ones hair is that slick! I mean really...  At first when Wegener presented his idea of plate tectonics, the other scientists laughed at him, and not just because of his hair. They laughed because this theory is extremely hard to believe. I mean huge plate that move under the earth and cause earthquakes? I could see why others laughed. Plus, he had no evidence. Well, only a little.
              His evidence was called continental drift ( which the other scientists didn't believe either.) This was the idea that about 200 million years ago, the continents were all part of one super continent called Pangaea. Eventually, the continents begin to move apart and go into the shape we know today. Here is what he said to other geologists:  
"Doesn't the east coast of South America fit exactly against the west coast of Africa, as if they had once been joined?"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


OMG the ground is shaking! I wonder what's happening. I'm going to look it up.
Okay so here's what i figured out:
When the ground was shaking, I was experiancing an earthquake! An earthquake happens when two of two of Earth's tectonic plates rub past each other. This causes friction and results in the ground shaking. The cause of  plate techtonics moving are called convection currents. Convection currents are when steaming magma from the center of the Earth travels up to the surface to make a new crust. I know that sounds kind of cool, but it's not! REALLY! It is not fun. Look what happens to some cities and towns that live near the edge of plates:

I wouldn't want to be in those buildings in the event of an earthquake. The place where most earthquakes occur are in California! I wanted to live in Cali before I knew this. Now, not so much. Anyways, the reason there's so many earthquakes there is because California is on the edge of the Pacific plate and the N.A. plate. Imagine if you were some random surfer dude and suddenly the water started shaking violently. Scary right? I know.

I feel bad for the person that has to clean that up! Do you know how scientists predict and mesure earthquakes? They use a seismagraph. A seismagraph is an instrument that detects movements in the ground such as an earthquake. If your still confused, here's a picture:
            Well I have to go! Bye!


Friday, August 13, 2010


The best invention in the world, in my opinion, would be the terrific i Pod! The iPod has changed in many ways over the course of 9 years. The first iPod was released on October 23rd 2001 by Apple. The iPod shuffle was the first model of the iPod. Apple called it the shuffle because it would shuffle songs for you, not because it liked to shuffle around! The second version of the iPod was the iPod nano. The iPod nano has 5 generations. Each generation is better than the last! I hope Apple makes a 6th generation of the nano that's also a cell phone! Next, came the iPod Classic. The iPod classic holds so many songs, and so much info, it's hard to believe Apple can fit it in this little thing: 
i Pod Classic
The most current i Pod model is the i Pod touch. The i Pod touch is amazing because of many reasons. One, it wireless connects to i Tunes so you can buy songs without having to use a computer. 2, you can access shows and movies and also record yourself with a built in camera it has.3, it has google maps so you can pinpoint your location. There are 3 generation of the i touch but Apple is making a fourth.
   Here is the first iPod commercial:
I chose this topic because i wanted to learn more about the invention that makes my life worth living!
I know I keep saying that Apple made the i Pod, but probably the most important person that lead to the making of the i Pod was Tony Fadell. He is the Senior Vise President of Apple.
Tony Fadell!!!!!