Sunday, January 30, 2011


      Don't you sometimes wish the world was made of fried chicken? Mhhhhhhhhhmmmmmm! That was totally random but I'm hungry OK? GOSH! Your sooooo mean! No i'm just kidding! Love you guys! Anyway, we're talking about galaxies again! =D. This time the three different types. The 1st one is Elliptical Galxies. This one is the most common type. They also look like footballs.

                 Ok so the next one is SPIRAL GALAXIES! These have arms that are usually formed near the middle part of the galaxy. Barred Spirals( LIKE THE MILKY WAY! OH YEAH WE'RE AWESOME!) also have arms but extend from this bar thing that cuts through the galaxy. Sorta like if someone stuck a pole through the center.

          Pretty! It looks all colorificy and stuff! =D. So the third type of galaxy is...drumroll please..... bang bang bang.....IRREGULAR! So obviously they are not regular galaxies! It's shaped all distinct like and isn't shaped like the other galaxies so it's irregular!They make up about a quarter of all the galaxies. They also contain lots of gas and dust.

   So that's all the different types of galaxies! Here's a cool video! =) The music is really loud and stupid so you mght wanna mute it or something

Friday, January 21, 2011


       I would buy one. No just kidding I don't even like Klondike! But what I do like is milky way. Both kinds. Unfortuantly, we're talking about the galaxy one. UGH! Oh well.

   Not much of a difference right? So anyway, the Milky Way is a galaxy if you don't already know. It has about 200 billion stars including our sun. It's also a spiral galaxy. Oooooo! =) And that's just one solar system in our whole universe. There are millions of other galaxies! (A milli A milli A milli). Ok so let's get down to what we're all thinking. They named the galaxy after the candy bar.
Well actually it's the other way around. The milky way has its name because from far away it looks milky and... wayish.

 The milky way also has arms. Not like ours butt hese arms hold galaxies. They are made of gas and dust. We are on the Orion Arm. YEAH go US!   The arms make our galaxy look like a spiral.

Wouldn't it be cool to go to the center of the galaxy? Not really because there is a HUGE  black hole in the center. That would explain how the galaxy is spinning. It would also take millions and millions of years to get there. There is also light years. Light years are the time it takes light to travel. well biiiiiiiiiiiii!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


     OMG guess what? My birthday is tomorrow! yayayyayayay! For my present, I want a constellation named after me! It could be called Kayteoplie! haha! Then there would be 89 constellations since there is 88 now. My topic today is volcanoes! JUST KIDDING! Its CONSTELLATIONS! 

      HaHa. Freaking news. Well i guess if you were a person in the old days, constellations would be kind of scary because you wouldn't know what they were. People from the middle east made up stories about constallations. After the Greeks heard about it they sorta stole the idea and made them into ancient legands that we still hear about today.
Those names are from Greek Mythology.
Andromeda was a Greek princess
Perseus was a Greek hero
          Wouldn't you just love to stare at constellations all night? Well sorry that can't happen because you can only see some  constellations if your in the right place at the right time. Constellations seem to move but it's just because Earth is moving. The constallation orion can be seen in the winter and the scorpian that tried to kill him can be seen in the summer. But a special type of constellation is circumpular constellations which can be seen all year long!                                                                    

  OK, so now you know what constellations are! Now me can talk about different ones. One of them that most of you know is the Big Dipper. But poor little Big Dipper isn't counted as a constellation because its connected to Ursa Major which is another constellation. =(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( So many chins. That's how sad it is. The biggest constellation is the Hydra. You know the one with the ugly heads. The smallest one is Crux. LOL what a funny name. CRUX CRUX CRUX!
      Ok so here's another cool pic! I is a capricorn! yay!