Friday, December 10, 2010

How can i make my blog better?

   Leave me a comment telling me how i can make it better please! thankz! =)


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


    Today I was chasing someone and they ran into the gazebo and jumped over the side and i did too and then my foot got stuck....... and boom. So after that i saw black and it got me thinking about black holes. (who knows why). So basically a black hole is a huge hole that pulls everything in its path into it.

    That's not an actual black hole because black holes are invisible. A black hole is formed when a GINORMOUSE star explodes. The star runs out of fuel and then it goes CRASH BOOM BANG BOOM! The star then collapses in on itself and voila a black hole. The reason why astronauts haven't gone into a black hole yet is it will tear and rip anything that comes into it. You'd be splitted into a thousand atoms.

     Poor Earth! But don't worry that won't happen. The black hole scientists have detected is NO WHERE near us! Black holes are really tiny though. What's ironic though is that, like large planets, black holes have a GINORMOUSE amount of gravitational pull. In fact, it has so much gravitational pull, that not even light can escape from its clutches. Until next time, lolz i love you guys! =D

    Also here's another video that i thought was funny but of course it will never happen.

ha ha poor guy

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My little sun has grown up so fast! (tear)

    My sun is almost middle aged now! He's grown up so fast! =*(. The sun is awesome and you know it! It's what gives us all life. Without the sun, we'd all be human Popsicles (purple preferably) and that wouldn't be so least for some people. Anyways, the sun is made up of EXTREMELY FLAMING HOT  gasses.

    The energy that the sun uses comes from nuclear fusion. Like the Earth, the sun also has layers. But it has more than Earth (sort of like a cake). Some of the layers are the core which is so hot that.. that.. that.. I don't know it's just really really hot!  The second layer is the Radiation Zone which has energy from the core. Third, comes the convection zone!!!!!!!!! Then comes the photosphere which is the part that we see. 
  Then , the cromosphere and then the corona which stretches waaaaaaaaaaay out into space.  My sun has an awesome personality!  Even though the sun may not be the biggest star out there, it's still 870,000 miles across its surface. Oh and do you think Earth is big? Well like a million Earths could fit in the sun! Whoa m jeepers! 


     Arn't those pics pretty?! I know. Even though the sun looks all pretty and innocent, you'll go blind if you stare at it so don't. If you do and go blind then tuff fluff for you! I don't really know what tuff fluff means but she always says it when she doesn't want me to do somthing and i usually use it so just dont look at the sun, okay? gosh!
ok on that happy note, bye!
